Arctic Char Population Study on the Maguse River

Regions: Kivalliq Region, Nunavut

Tags: biology, fish population, fisheries, arctic char

Principal Investigator: Davies, Stuart (1)
Licence Number: 8136
Organization: North/South Consultants Inc.; Freshwater Institute (Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Licensed Year(s): 1988
Issued: Jan 01, 1988
Project Team: Don MacDonell; Donna Rystephanuk; one local assistant

Objective(s): to describe the age structure, length and weight composition, and the rate of mortality for the population; to use hoopnets at two sites on the river to capture, measure, tag, and release char; and to use the ratio of tagged to untagged fish at the upstream capture site to obtain an estimate of the size of the arctic char population in the Maguse River

Project Description: Don MacDonell and his assistants will be capturing arctic char at two locations on the Maguse River. The fish will be measured, tagged, and released. By comparing the number of tagged fish with the number of untagged fish at the upstream capture site, they will be able to estimate the size of the char population. This information will be used by the Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans to look at the impact of fishing.