Geothermal potential of the Southern Mackenzie Region

Regions: Dehcho Region

Tags: geothermal potential, geothermal

Principal Investigator: Raymond, Jasmin (3)
Licence Number: 17477
Organization: Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Licensed Year(s): 2024
Issued: Mar 04, 2024
Project Team: Michaël Thibault, Félix-Antoine Comeau, Viktor Terlaky

Objective(s): To evaluate the geothermal potential in the communities of Hay River, Entreprise, Fort Entreprise and Kakisa in NWT.

Project Description: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5830. The research project aims to evaluate the geothermal potential in the communities of Hay River, Entreprise, Fort Entreprise and Kakisa in NWT where a geothermal gradient favourable to geothermal resource development is known to exist and can exceed 40°C/km. Giving those diesel dependent communities access to clean energy by supplying heat within the earth could contribute to long-term reductions in energy costs and carbon emissions, as well as improve and secure energy reliability. Results will provide important information for future decision-making about energy supply in that region. The research proposed in this application aims to reduce the consumption of petroleum products used for heating. Indeed, the objective of the proposed project is to develop resources and advance the maturity of technologies associated with the direct use of geothermal energy in Canada. More specifically, this project will consist of evaluating the potential of deep borehole heat exchanger (DBHE) in the South Slave Region for heating applications for the communities. The hypothesis is that geothermal resources, such as geothermal heat production with DBHE and heat pumps, can constitute a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly heating option than fossil fuels in this region. These are renewable resources whose continuously produced energy can directly replace fossil fuels, unlike other intermittent renewable sources such as wind and solar. In the NWT, we are specifically interested in quantifying the heat extraction potential in the sedimentary basins of the Southern Mackenzie Region. The plan is to measure temperature profiles in different groundwater wells located in the South Slave Region. The wells are managed by the Government of the Northwest Territories which can give us access to the wells. We would possibly collect sedimentary rock samples outside the communities along the roads. These data will allow for the simulation of geothermal energy extraction through geothermal wells. The work is conducted at a pre-feasibility stage to estimate geothermal resources availability and system operability from surface geology and mathematical modelling. INRS is already in close contact with the Northwest Territories Geological Survey (NTGS) from the Government of NWT which collaborate on the research project. In addition, INRS staff is interested in meeting local authorities of the concerned communities. This can be done by phone or video conference before the fieldwork or in person during the fieldwork, according to recommendations given by Aurora Research Institute. This will be an opportunity to explain the work carried out to local stakeholders and inform communities on the benefits of using geothermal resources. The outcome of the research will be published in a master thesis freely available through INRS library and a scientific paper to be published in an international journal such as Geothermics. Results will be presented at Yellowknife Geoscience Forum. A comprehensive overview of the research will also be prepared in a one-page format. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from: June 01 - November 01, 2024