Nechalacho Project
Principal Investigator: Drygeese, Cody RJ (1)
Licence Number: 16900
Organization: Cheetah Resources
Licensed Year(s): 2021
Issued: Sep 17, 2021
Project Team: Cody Drygeese

Objective(s): To document existing environmental conditions surrounding the Project area.

Project Description: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4994. The goal of this project is to document existing environmental conditions surrounding the Project area. Studies may include the following. Hydrology studies include the measurement of selected lake inflow and outflow and stream profile through field surveys, and installation of data loggers to continually monitor lake levels through the open-water season. Hydrology studies will be initiated during the spring freshet and continue until fall. Equipment will include survey rod and level, flow measuring rod and gauge, data logger and installation tools. Water quality studies include the collection of water samples from selected lakes to document lake water chemistry and physical parameters in summer and winter. Equipment will include auger, kemmerer and water parameter meter. Samples may be collected for lab analysis. Aquatic ecosystem studies ... Show moreinclude collection of phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, lakebed sediments in selected lakes. Fish health studies may include fish community and health surveys in lakes and streams using various sampling methods (including small-mesh gill netting, angling, baited minnow trapping and shoreline electrofishing), documenting fish habitat in selected lakes and streams, documentation of fish movement and spawning areas using tagging studies, and population estimates using hydro-acoustic surveys. Vegetation studies may include documenting plant species composition surrounding the Project. Soil characteristics may be documented through collection of soil samples in conjunction with vegetation studies. Wildlife surveys may be completed to identify wildlife activity and habitat in the area, such as bird nesting. Dustfall monitoring may also be initiated through deployment of passive dustfall collectors. Groundwater may be studied through the installation of thermistors and wells in existing drill holes. Geochemistry may be studied by rock sampling from surface or drill holes. An Engagement Plan has been approved by the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (Land Use Permit MV2020D0013). Results of this study and other Project updates will be regularly provided to surrounding communities and affected land users. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from September 17, 2021 to December 31, 2021. Show less