IESP Summer/Fall 2021 Field Studies

Regions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Gwich'in Settlement Area

Tags: physical sciences, water quality, fish habitat, air quality, soil

Principal Investigator: Langlois, Karla (1)
Licence Number: 16889
Organization: Tetra Tech Canada Inc.
Licensed Year(s): 2021
Issued: Sep 07, 2021
Project Team: Warren Bulldog

Objective(s): To conduct an archaeological impact assessment; to collect baseline air, soil and water quality samples; and to carry out a fish habitat assessment.

Project Description: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5033. The objective/purpose of this work is to address questions raised by various parties during the Inuvialuit Energy Security Project (IESC). The methods or activities to be undertaken for each of the field study components are as follows: 1. Archaeological Impact Assessment of one (1) area less than 500 sq metres - an Archaeologist, accompanied by at least one local assistant will search the area of interest for potential archaeological/historic artifacts. this information will be used to help confirm the final alignment of the 4k access road to the future IESP. 2. Collection and laboratory (chemical) analysis of surface water at several lakes and streams - water samples will be collected by a scientist plus local assistant along the shores of several small lakes (ponds) and streams and possibly a zodiak in the larger lake using standard water sampling procedures. The samples will be returned to a laboratory in the south for analysis. 3. Fish habitat characterization of one (1) stream and pond -this work will be done by the same scientist and assistant from the shore. 4. Collect readings from four (4) previously installed ground temperature cables; One of the two field scientists and and one local assistant will take the ground temperature readings using a portable temperature recorder. 5. Baseline air quality sampling - baseline air quality sampling, if conducted will involve the setting out of several passive samplers for each of the parameters of interest and recovery thereof during the week for analysis in the south by a lab. 6. Baseline noise sampling (day/night) - will be conducted with a sound meter and the results recorded. 7. Baseline soil sampling at several locations - surface soil sampling will be conducted in an area of a suspected historic fuel spill for analysis in the south by a lab. The proposed IESP project and all field programs conducted in 2018 and more recently 2021 have been discussed will all local stakeholders and engagement pertaining to the current field program is ongoing. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from September 4, 2021 to December 31, 2021.