Community Partnership to Create a Comprehensive Approach to Family Violence in the NWT

Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Gwich'in Settlement Area, Dehcho Region, North Slave Region, Qikiqtaaluk Region

étiquettes: social sciences, social services, family, violence

chercheur principal: Moffitt, Pertice M (9)
Nᵒ de permis: 16576
Organisation: NSRC, Aurora Research Institute
Année(s) de permis: 2019
Délivré: juin 20, 2019
Équipe de projet: Heather Fikowski, Sandy Little, Susan Fitzky

Objectif(s): To engage community partners in co-creation of best practices to prevent family violence; to share findings of a scoping review on best practices to prevent /end family violence; and to hear priorities from these implications from youth and elders in the communities.

Description du projet: The objectives of this research are to engage community partners in co-creation of best practices to prevent family violence, to share findings of a scoping review on best practices to prevent /end family violence, and to hear priorities from these implications from youth and elders in the communities. Demographic data (age, ethnicity, gender and exposure to violence) will be collected to describe the community context. A two hour sharing circle facilitated by the researchers will be conducted. Letters of request for support and approval have been sent to the local community leader (Chief/Mayor) and followed up with a telephone call to answer any questions or concerns they may have. The research team will be seeking a culture broker from each community to organize the logistics and recruit the participants for the sharing circle and if needed a translator for the meeting itself. Each community will receive a plain language summary that will be provided to the culture broker to share with the communities. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from June 20, 2019 to September 30, 2019.