Structural Framework for the Cantung Tungsten Deposit and its Relation to the Regional Deformation History
Principal Investigator: Salmabadi, Ehsan (1)
Licence Number: 16308
Organization: Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia
Licensed Year(s): 2018
Issued: May 18, 2018
Project Team: Ehsan Salmabadi, Kenneth Hickey, Bryan Starick, Hendrik Falck

Objective(s): To reconstruct the deformation history responsible for fold geometry that hosts the Cantung tungsten deposit, and to understand how the deformation at Cantung is linked to deformation history of the surrounding area.

Project Description: The objective is to conduct a structural analysis of the Cantung Tungsten Mine and its geological environment to: 1) reconstruct the deformation history responsible for fold geometry that hosts the Cantung tungsten deposit; and 2) understand how the deformation at Cantung is linked to deformation history of the surrounding area. Research will be conducted through field mapping using a compass, a global positioning system (gps), and a base map and by microstructural analysis of rock samples collected using rock hammers. Microstructures and mineral phases will be analyzed under a microscope in order to assess spatial relationships of structural fabrics, timing relationships of structural fabrics relative to metamorphism, mechanisms of deformation, and the extent of regional metamorphism. Project results will be presented at the annual Geoscience Forum in Yellowknife. Plain language summaries of the proposal will be communicated to nearby and band councils upon completion of the research through the Northwest Territories Geological Survey outreach process. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from July 15, 2018 to August 15, 2018.