Environmental Quality at Pine Point
Principal Investigator: Dudley, Judy (1)
Licence Number: 16305
Organization: Pine Point Mining Limited
Licensed Year(s): 2018
Issued: May 18, 2018
Project Team: Scientific Contractors, Engineering Contractors, Local Field Assistants

Objective(s): To verify baseline conditions within the Pine Point District.

Project Description: The purpose of the study is to verify baseline conditions within the Pine Point District study area. Field sites will be accessed by truck, on foot, and on ATVs during the ice-free growing season. The study may include analysis of previously disturbed sites to evaluate regeneration and succession, surveys of former mine pits, collection and analysis of surface water and groundwater samples, ground-truthing locations of past sampling efforts to evaluate current conditions, incidental observations of site use and human impacts, collection and analysis of rock samples to determine acid rock drainage/metal leaching (ARD/ML) potential, and evaluating locations for future use in an environmental monitoring program. When possible and practical, photographs will be taken at previously studied sites in order to evaluate site conditions from photo pairs. As part of on-going public engagement activities, the company makes affected parties and local communities aware of site activities. Results may be shared through the existing public engagement and outreach efforts in place for current permits. Furthermore, the results will be used to support the permit applications and will be shared with the local communities through that public engagement, review and comment process. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from May 18, 2018 to December 31, 2018.