Correlation of snow density and depths of urban disturbed and undisturbed areas in Inuvik

étiquettes: hydrology, snow depth

chercheur principal: Jacobson, Ashley A (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 16230
Organisation: Aurora College, Aurora Campus, ENRTP
Année(s) de permis: 2018
Délivré: févr. 04, 2018
Équipe de projet: Amanda Chaulk, Joel McAlister, Ashley Jacobson

Objectif(s): To measure the depths and density of snow in the Inuvik area.

Description du projet: The objective of this project is to measure the depths and density of snow in the Inuvik area. The Principal Investigator (PI) will compare and contrast important trends, snow types, snow forms, water equivalency and the quality of the cover. The PI will be using a snow mobile and walking to the sites. Measurements will be taken with a snow core barrel. The PI will stick the core barrel in the snow every 2 m for 20 m. The barrels will be weighed with and without core sample and plug. The PI will also take photos of the areas being sampled and mark way-points on a global positioning system every sample location. The PI will record the water equivalency and depth (%) after every sample. Results will be presented in a technical report and plain language summary to the Aurora Research Institute. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from February 3, 2018 to April 15, 2018.