Principal Investigator: | Hansen, Jeremy R (1) |
Licence Number: | 16187 |
Organization: | ENRTP |
Licensed Year(s): |
Issued: | Nov 22, 2017 |
Project Team: | Jeremy Hansen, Joel McAlister, Amanda Chaulk |
Objective(s): To investigate a disturbed slump site and an undisturbed river bank to measure and compare what is possibly melting/flowing/leaching into the river system due to climate change.
Project Description: The objective is to investigate a disturbed slump site and an undisturbed river bank to measure and compare what is possibly melting/flowing/leaching into the river system possibly due to climate change. Physical descriptions of both sites combined with temperature, potential of hydrogen (pH), TSS (total suspended solids), TDS (total dissolved solids), and turbidity will be collected, analysed, and correlated. The principal investigator will record the results and include any other data into a written report with a presentation upon completion. Rubber gloves will be worn to ensure no contamination. Grab samples will be collected from site one and site two. Locations will be staked with a willow pushed into the mud 6m from the water line. Samples will be obtained before ice coverage and after ice coverage. A hole will be chiseled and water sampled during ice coverage. Water will be sampled with plastic containers and stored in a dark refrigerated environment. Chemical analysis of the samples will assessed at the Aurora Research Institute lab. All data and results will be portrayed in graphical form, as well as written form with a power point presentation. As the disturbed site location is local, and a lot of community members pass by it while traveling on the land, having some information on what can potentially be released from the site could be useful to locals. All data & results will be public and available upon request. Local organizations who potentially be interested are: Inuvik Hunters and Trappers Committee, Inuvik Community Corporation, Inuvialuit Development Corporation, Inuvialuit Joint Secretariat, Inuvialuit Land Administration, as well as any other similar organizations in the surrounding communities. The principal investigator will assemble a technical report showing results and conclusions of the field work. Work will be presented orally to the Environment and Natural Technology Program class at the Aurora College and the surrounding community's (upon invitation). The information will also be available publicly and presented in a public forum upon request. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from November 22, 2017 to December 31, 2018.