Global monograph of the Hymenogastraceae family

Regions: North Slave Region

Tags: biology, mushroom, fungi

Principal Investigator: Davies, Linda L (2)
Licence Number: 16123
Organization: Imperial College London
Licensed Year(s): 2018 2017
Issued: Jul 06, 2017
Project Team: Professor Henry Beker

Objective(s): To study the diversity and distribution of the genus Hebeloma at the global level.

Project Description: The objectives of this project are to study the diversity and distribution of the genus Hebeloma at the global level; and, to assemble a more complete phylogeny of Hebeloma and of the family Hymenogastraceae that will in turn further understanding of the evolution and development of characters in this family. The research team will survey local areas to look for basidiomes of the genus Hebeloma. If any collections are found to photograph them, collect just one or two basidiomes, study them in the field and record basic data. The team will then dry the specimens for transport to Europe for microscopic study and DNA analysis. Results will be interpreted within the context of current knowledge and publish the findings in relevant journals and a global monograph. The research team would be delighted to meet with any interested local people, particularly mycologists or those with an interest in fungi (edible or research). The team are happy to provide a summary of the project and to give a presentation to interested parties. If any local people would like to join the team during the short time in the area for a mushroom foray they would be very welcome. The research team will prepare a report with photographs and contact details of the research team, in plain English, to share any findings. A range of publications will be produced over time. These publications can sent to any interested people. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from August 12, 2017 to August 14, 2017.