A study exploring the challenges and facilitators of nursing faculty engagement in research in college and polytechnic institutions and the role of library services in supporting this research.

Regions: North Slave Region

Tags: social sciences

Principal Investigator: White-Williams, (Hazel) Kathleen (1)
Licence Number: 15735
Organization: Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Licensed Year(s): 2015
Issued: Aug 07, 2015
Project Team: Dr. Lyle Grant, Madeline Press, Chau Ha, Liu (Gillian) Xia, Amy Weir, Erin Langman, Kaylee Fraser

Objective(s): To gain understanding of specific factors that influence nursing faculty’s research engagement.

Project Description: For this project the research team have completed a systematic literature review and will undertake a Canada-wide cross-sectional survey to answer two related questions: 1) What are the important challenges and facilitators to engaging nursing faculty in research at a vocational or polytechnic institute?, and 2) In enhancing research, and within these challenges and facilitators, what important roles do library services play? Expected outcomes of this project include advancing understanding of specific factors that influence nursing faculty’s research engagement. Upon receiving ethics approval, recruitment and data collection will occur simultaneously. The research team will initiate study recruitment by sending a Letter of Approach to seek support from the academic leaders (i.e. Dean, Director) to facilitate the recruitment at individual institutions. If agreed, the academic leaders will act as the local facilitator to invite his/her nursing faculty to participate in this study. The invitation message will be sent by the academic leaders via e-mail on behalf of the research team. A study Letter of Information will be provided in the e-mail. All interested nursing faculty will be asked to complete a 20-minute electronic survey through FluidSurveys. 2 reminder emails will be arranged 1 week and 2 weeks following the initial invitation. Reminder emails will be sent by academic leaders. This is to ensure that no direct contact occurs between the project investigators and the study participants. The work may be extended to other faculty member groupings within vocational and polytechnic institutions where research undertakings have similar importance. Study results will also have application to non-research intense universities that may have structures and cultures of research similar to vocational and polytechnic institutions. A summary of the study results will be provided to participants. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from August 21, 2015 to December 31, 2015.