Principal Investigator: | Geddes, Robert B (2) |
Licence Number: | 15125 |
Organization: | AMEC Environment & Infrastructure |
Licensed Year(s): |
Issued: | Jul 16, 2012 |
Project Team: | Chris Wenzel, John Dejong, Mike Panek |
Objective(s): To delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of uranium contaminated soil at sites located along the Great Bear River portion of the Northwest Transportation Route (NTR); and to assist in the development of future remediation plans for this segment of the NTR.
Project Description: The assessment is designed to delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of uranium contaminated soil at sites located along the Great Bear River portion of the Northwest Transportation Route (NTR). The soil quality and quantity information gathered during this assessment is required to assist in the development of future remediation plans for this segment of the NTR. The proposed tasks are as follows: • Project planning including: Development of a detailed project execution plan; acquisition of a research licence; and development of a project safety plan. • Field program including: Establishing a base camp at Bennett Field; soil sampling using hand-operated sampling equipment; soil analytical testing program including arsenic, uranium and Ra226; sampling to a maximum depth of 2 m near surface computer assisted radiological survey (CARS) at all sites known to exhibit elevated gamma radiation; reconnaissance level CARS along the historic haul route from the Upper Shipyard to Great Bear River Landing; and sampling and removal of up to 250 kg of uranium-containing soil. • Reporting including: Completion of draft and final reports in digital and hard copy formats; preparation of summary report for the Aurora Research Institute; and presentation of program findings to Deline and in Tulita community members. • Project Management including: Subcontractor arrangements; Health, Safety, Security & Environment execution; and project administration and financial management. The information disclosure conducted as part of the project scope will follow from the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office commitment to provide local communities with information related to the condition of the subject sites. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from July 13, 2012 to September 30, 2012.