Darnley Bay Resources Ltd. 2010 - 2012 Field Program
Principal Investigator: |
Reford, Stephen (3) |
Licence Number: |
Organization: |
Darnley Bay Resources Ltd.
Licensed Year(s): |
Issued: |
Jun 15, 2010
Project Team: |
Field Technicians (Field Technicians, Hired by Darnley Bay Resources Ltd. through Aurora Geosciences), Wildlife/Environmental Monitors (Wildlife/Environmental Monitors, Hired by Darnley Bay Resources ... Show moreLtd. through Inuvialuit Land Administration), Aurora Geosciences (Yellowknife) (Field Program Manager, Aurora Geosciences)
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Objective(s): The objective of the Darnley Bay Resources Ltd. 2010 - 2012 Field Program is to collect additional information on the Darnley Bay Gravity Anomaly and to assess kimberlite pipe targets.
Project Description: The objective of the Darnley Bay Resources Ltd. 2010 - 2012 Field Program is to collect additional information on the Darnley Bay Gravity Anomaly and to assess kimberlite pipe targets. Six field programs have been proposed (geological prospecting and sampling, claim staking, ground geophysical surveys, bathymetric surveys and two drilling programs) and data collected will aid in DBR's interpretation of the mineral potential on lands within DBR's holdings.
Geological Prospecting and Sampling: Prospecting will consist of walking around an area of interest and visually inspecting the surface material. A geological hammer may be used to break rocks apart. Geological sampling of the bedrock will consist of collecting 250 g to 5 kg of material per site by hand or with a geological hammer. Samples will be bagged and transported to a certified laboratory for analysis. A GPS unit will be used to georeference each sampled locatio... Show moren and a digital camera will be used to take pictures of each sampled location. It is anticipated that a total of approximately 600 kg of sample material will be collected for the Program. Field measurements for magnetic susceptibility, radioelement content and conductivity, will be measured while in the field using magnetic susceptibility meters, gamma-ray spectrometers and conductivity meters.
Claim Staking: The re-surveying of mineral claims on Parry Peninsula will conform to the requirements in the Mining Act for defining the locations of the claim boundaries, according to the instructions of the Surveyor General. Upon completion of the survey, the plan of survey and other required documents will be sent to the Surveyor General and the Mining Recorder. When staking a claim, the field crew will begin by placing corner posts, or earth/stone mounds, with an attached claim tag at the four corners of a claim. Posts or earth/stone mounds of the same size will also be placed at 457 m intervals along all claim boundaries.
Bathymetric Survey: Survey methods will follow DFO requirements for determining waterbodies that are suitable for winter water withdrawal (DFO Winter Water Withdrawal Guidelines). During summer, each lake surveyed will traversed longitudinally by boat, followed by a minimum of two perpendicular transects; perpendicular transects will be completed at 500 m intervals for lakes greater than 1 km in length. A depth sounder will be used to obtain a series of continuous depth recordings; each depth recording will be georeferenced using a GPS unit. During winter, a ground penetrating radar unit with a GPS will be used to determine the depth of surveyed lakes. The radar unit will be mounted on a sled and pulled longitudinally across the lake by snowmobile. A minimum of two perpendicular transects for depth will be completed for lakes less than or equal to 1 km in length while perpendicular transects will be spaced 500 m on lakes greater than 1 km in length.
Ground Geophysical Surveys: Three potential geophysical survey methods may be used in the Program area: Gravity Survey, Magnetic Survey and Electromagnetic Survey.
Gravity Survey - data collection sites will be identified on a grid over the area of interest; data collection stations will be located where grid lines intersect. Station spacing intervals along the survey lines of 50 m to 250 m may be used. A GPS will be used in the field to locate stations. The field crew(s) will travel by foot between stations and use a gravimeter to measure the earth’s gravitational force at each station location. Magnetic Survey - data collection sites would be identified in a similar manner to the Gravity Survey, except that station locations will occur at 5 m to 25 m intervals along the grid lines. Station locations will be determined in the field by pacing or using a distance measuring tool. Field crews will use a magnetometer/GPS unit to measure the earth's magnetic field at each station location. An alternative method may be used in winter where a magnetometer/GPS unit is pulled behind a snowmobile; this allows more rapid and detailed coverage of an area. Electromagnetic Survey - data collection sites would be identified in a similar manner to the Gravity Survey, except that station locations will occur at 25 m to 100 m intervals, depending on required resolution. A GPS will be used to locate station locations in the field and flags or other markings will be used to temporarily mark the station. Field crews will likely travel on foot to station locations and use an electromagnetic receiver and a GPS to measure changes in the electrical conductivity of the rocks in an area.
Kimberlite/Metals Drilling: A diamond core drill will be used to drill core samples at each kimberlite and metals target. Core samples will be collected from the drill and sent back to the drill camp for data logging. Core samples found to contain significant amounts of kimberlite or base metals will be shipped to a certified laboratory for further analysis. Borehole geophysics (e.g., measuring density, resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, gamma-ray spectra, temperature) or an electromagnetic survey of the subsurface may be completed at all drilling targets to collect more information on the kimberlite diamond content or base metal ore body, and to help guide ongoing drilling activities.
DBR and its associate Diadem Resources have been consulting on mineral exploration programs the Paulatuk area since 1997. DBR has proposed to meet the PHTC in 2010 to review the drill target locations, obtain recommendations for drill camp and field camp locations, review the mitigation measures proposed in this project description, prepare more detailed timetables for the 2010 activities and address any concerns. DBR intends to meet with the PHTC, Paulatuk Community Corporation, Elders Committee and the public through 2010 - 2012 to update the community on the status of the field programs and obtain comments, recommendations and address any concerns.
The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from June 21, 2010 to November 30, 2010.
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