Youth and Tobacco Studies with the Yellowknives Dene First Nations

Regions: North Slave Region

Tags: health, social sciences, youth, lifestyle change, smoking

Principal Investigator: Jardine, Cindy G. (10)
Licence Number: 14508
Organization: University of Alberta
Licensed Year(s): 2009
Issued: Apr 09, 2009
Project Team: Dr. Cam Wild (Co-Investigator, U Alberta), Ms. Miriam Wideman (GNWT liaison, U Alberta), Ms. Alice Abel (Community liaison, Yellowknives Dene First Nation), Ms. Aggie Brockman (Local research liaison), Ms. Eileen Erasmus (School liaison), Ms. Louise Beaulieu (Community Fieldworker)

Objective(s): This research project seeks to better understand the factors and conditions that lead youth to decide to start, or not start, smoking. It will focus on youth within the Yellowknives Dene First Nation. A secondary objective is to expose students to the research process and develop research skills. The project is being done using a participatory approach whereby researchers, community members, schools and youth will decide the best way of doing the research and using the results.

Project Description: This licence is being issued for the scientific research application No. 1048. This research project seeks to better understand the factors and conditions that lead youth to decide to start, or not start, smoking. It will focus on youth within the Yellowknives Dene First Nation. A secondary objective is to expose students to the research process and develop research skills. The project is being done using a participatory approach whereby researchers, community members, schools and youth will decide the best way of doing the research and using the results. The intent of this project is to train older students to be researchers, and then to have them collect, analyze and help interpret the data. Researcher students will be provided with a minimum of four research training sessions that will cover the research process, research ethics, and specific skills needed to conduct the research (i.e. interviewing skills, transcribing skills, interpretation skills, data presentation skills). They will initially conduct the research with each other under the guidance of the project researcher(s). The research will be conducted using a method called PhotoVoice. Participants will be asked to take 5 to 10 pictures (using provided digital cameras) that reflect how the see the use of tobacco in their school, home and community. They will then be asked to discuss the pictures with the student researchers in an informal interview that will last approximately one hour. Interviews will be digitally tape recorded and transcribed verbatim. Pseudonyms or numbers will be used to ensure confidentiality of respondents. Interview text will then be reviewed by the student researchers and university researchers to determine relevance and meaning. The student researchers will help return the results to the school and communities. Before taking the pictures, the student researchers will provide an information briefing for all participants. This will include a description of the research, and discussion of some of the ethical and operational issues involved in using Photovoice. If the student agrees to be part of the project, an information letter (also attached) will be sent home to their parents or guardians. This is a participatory research project with the Yellowknives Dene First Nation. The concept for the research was jointly developed based on both community concerns about tobacco use among youth, and startling results from a former joint research project showing a high number of smokers who started at a very early age. The results will be communicated to the K'álemì Dene School, members of the communities of Ndilo and Dettah, and the Yellowknives Dene First Nation Band Council.. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from April 9 to December 31, 2009 at the K'álemì Dene School and in the communities of Ndilo, Dettah and Yellowknife.