Circumpolar Flaw Lead (CFL) System Study - Part 1 (Ship-based research)
Principal Investigator: Barber, David G. (10)
Licence Number: 14304
Organization: University of Manitoba
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007
Issued: Mar 10, 2008
Project Team: Over 200 scientists. Complete list is available from the project coordinator, Dan Leitch (leitch@cc.

Objective(s): The Circumpolar Flaw Lead (CFL) system study is designed to examine the importance of climate processes in changing the nature of a flaw lead system and the Arctic marine environment in the Northern Hemisphere, and the effect these changes will have on the marine ecosystem, contaminant transport, carbon fluxes, and greenhouse gases.

Project Description: The Circumpolar Flaw Lead (CFL) system study is designed to examine the importance of climate processes in changing the nature of a flaw lead system and the Arctic marine environment in the Northern Hemisphere, and the effect these changes will have on the marine ecosystem, contaminant transport, carbon fluxes, and greenhouse gases. Using the Canadian Research Icebreaker (CCGS Amundsen), the team will measure many aspects of the marine ecosystem and the physical system. In an effort to clarify the license summary, the ship-based research has been roughly divided into three interconnected subprojects: 1) Atmosphere, sea-ice & coastal circulation - Climate change affects the ocean, sea ice and atmosphere. The major objective here is to link the sea ice, water circulation, and meteorological conditions to the creation and maintenance of the flaw lead and Cape Bathurst polynya. 2) Pelagic (water-column) processes - The objectives of this subproject are to study primary production, microbial activity, and zooplankton & larval fish dynamics over an annual cycle. 3) Benthic (ocean-bottom) processes - Objective & purpose: The main objective of this subproject is to study the effects of sea ice variability on life on the ocean floor, as well as to reconstruct the history of climate change in the Mackenzie Shelf-Amundsen Gulf. The project plans to have several community visits before, during, and after its field studies. Plain language summaries will be prepared and faxed and mailed to each community. They hope to continue to use local media (i.e. CBC radio, News North) as well. During community visits, they will bring school children and teachers, as well as HTC members and elders on board the Amundsen to discuss research and climate change. A detailed logistical plan & timeline for the project is available from the project coordinator, Dan Leitch ( CONDITIONS: (a) This licence has been issued subject to the environmental terms and conditions recommended by the Environmental Impact Screening Committee. For copies of these recommendations please contact the EISC. (b) During the months of May and June especially, a sensitive time for harvesting geese, activities on or close to the coast are requested to be closely coordinated with the Hunters and Trappers Committees. Fieldwork will be conducted from March 10 to August 28, 2008 in the oceanic region of the Mackenzie Shelf, Shelf Break, and Amundsen Gulf.