Local attitudes of the Anglican Church towards its Aboriginal membership in the Yukon / Northwest Territories

Regions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Gwich'in Settlement Area, North Slave Region

Tags: social sciences, history, residential schools, religion

Principal Investigator: Gaver, Cheryl A (2)
Licence Number: 14285
Organization: University of Ottawa
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2006
Issued: Feb 15, 2008
Project Team: Dr. Marie-Francoise Guedon (Supervisor, University of Ottawa)

Objective(s): The objective of this project is to assess (1) whether attitudes evident during the period of the residential schools have changed at a congregational level, and (2) whether cultural differences that also played a role in what happened in the schools are better understood and accommodated.

Project Description: The objective of this project is to assess (1) whether attitudes evident during the period of the residential schools have changed at a congregational level, and (2) whether cultural differences that also played a role in what happened in the schools are better understood and accommodated. Some of the questions to be considered: (1) What impact have the residential schools had on the relationship? (2) Is the current relationship 'better' than what existed during the residential school era? (3) Have attitudes changed? (4) Do Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples have a better understanding of each other's cultures or worldviews, and how do they deal with them? (5) Are they able to deal with the past in a way that respects what happened without being imprisoned by it? Anglican clergy and members from the local congregations recommended by clergy, or who volunteer to participate, will be interviewed using a digital recorder and camera. Historical research will be done as well. Worship services over at least 3 Sundays, as well as any church functions permitted, will be attended. Youth will not be sought, but parental consent will be obtained should any youth wish to volunteer. The research will occur in either June or September 2008 in Inuvik, Aklavik, Tuktoyaktuk, Fort McPherson and Yellowknife. The sample size will be determined by the number of volunteers. In assessing if attitudes of the residential schools era have changed within the Anglican Church, the answers may contribute to better relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples within the local communities. A copy of the report and related publications will be shared with participating congregations, the Aurora Research Institute, and interested members of the public. Relevant portions will be sent to anyone quoted or directly referred in the report. Fieldwork will be conducted from June 01 to 30 and/or September 01 to 30, 2008 in Aklavik, Inuvik, Fort McPherson, Tuktoyaktuk, and Yellowknife.