Assessing the Effectiveness of Impact and Benefit Agreements in the Canadian North

Regions: North Slave Region

Tags: mining, social sciences, traditional knowledge

Principal Investigator: Prno, Jason (1)
Licence Number: 13980
Organization: University of Guelph
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2006
Issued: May 29, 2006

Project Description: Over the past decade a number of Impact and Benefit Agreements (IBAs) have been established between mining firms and aboriginal communities in the Northwest Territories. Notwithstanding their increasing use and significance, the phenomenon of IBAs remains largely unrecognized and poorly understood. Most critically, no systematic research has been undertaken to assess whether these agreements are working from the perspective of both signing parties. This research aims to assess IBA effectiveness from the perspective of aboriginal communities in the Northwest Territories. In-community fieldwork will consist of participant observation, preliminary discussions, semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Based on the guidance of community partners, a data collection protocol will be developed, including utilizing community assistance in organizing interviews and focus groups. Results of the research will be provided to the... Show more communities involved in the research in written form, and through oral presentations, pending community interest. Additionally, the findings of the study will be made available through a future research website (, which will include links to research done by other members of an IBA research network. The study will be conducted within the municipal bounds of Yellowknife from June 1 to August 31, 2006. Show less