Population abundance and vital rates of fish harvested from lakes along the Mackenzie Valley pipeline route – Loon Lake 2005
Principal Investigator: Toyne, Melanie J (1)
Licence Number: 13910
Organization: Dept. Fisheries & Oceans
Licensed Year(s): 2005
Issued: Aug 29, 2005
Project Team: Melanie Toyne (Coordinator, DFO), Simon Wiley (contractor - field work, DFO), Ginger Arnold (contractor - field work, DFO), Ricky Kelly (field assistant, Fort Good Hope RRC), TBA - FGH resident (field assistant, Fort Good Hope RRC)

Project Description: The proposed Mackenzie natural gas pipeline route crosses Loon River, which connects Loon Lake to the Mackenzie River. It is important to collect information on fish species in Loon Lake to compared with after the proposed pipeline is built to determine if any changes have occured. All field crew transported to Loon Lake via North-Wright twin otter floatplane. Crew will set nets to catch fish and sample fish for length, weight, sex, maturity stage, gonad weight, ageing structures, genetic samples, muscle tissue, gonads of mature females, stomach contents. They will also record information such as air and water temperature, GPS coordinates, wind direction, date time net was set and checked. A plain language report and a poster will be sent to Fort Good Hope RRC Researchers are working with the Fort Good Hope Renewable Resource Council on this project. A commuity consultation was performed on May 3, 2005 and Loon Lake was selected as a field site due to community interest and relevance to the proposed mackenzie Gas Pipeline. There are two residents of Fort Good Hope performing field work for this project , both selected by the FGH RRC. They will be trained in the biological sampling of fish for scientific research. The study will be conducted at Loon lake, approximately 30 km from Fort Good Hope.