Traditional Knowledge Studies for the Mackenzie Gas Project within Liidlii Kue First Nation Traditional Territory
Principal Investigator: Gill, Lyall (1)
Licence Number: 13547
Organization: Nogha Geomatics Ltd.
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Issued: Sep 09, 2003
Project Team: Rosemary G

Objective(s): This study involves collecting existing Traditional Knowledge information, gathering new information, and producing a Traditional Knowledge report. A cooperative approach has been developed involving Mackenzie Gas Project (MGP), Mackenzie Project Environment Group (MPEG), Liidlii Ku'e First Nation and Metis Nation of Fort Simpson. Project management is being provided by Nogha Geomatics Ltd. which will include, in cooperation with MPEG and MGP, establishing a Traditional Knowledge Working Group, determining community participation, determining the types of information that will be documented, defining the study area, collecting data through interviews, verifying the accuracy of the data, writing reports, controlling and using the data, and input in a GIS format compatible with the format used by MGP. It is anticipated that the study will document data related to wildlife, birds, fisheries, vegetation, historical/cultural/spiritual sites, climate, soil conditions, hydrology and hydrogeology, human health, cumulative effects and other relevant social, economic and environmental issues. The primary area of interest for this study encompasses 10 km each side of the proposed pipeline corridor, reflecting areas likely influenced by project effects on traditional uses, environmental components (e.g., fish, vegetation, wildlife) and communities. Areas of potential granular and infrastructure sites will also be included.

Project Description: This study involves collecting existing Traditional Knowledge information, gathering new information, and producing a Traditional Knowledge report. A cooperative approach has been developed involving Mackenzie Gas Project (MGP), Mackenzie Project Environment Group (MPEG), Liidlii Ku'e First Nation and Metis Nation of Fort Simpson. Project management is being provided by Nogha Geomatics Ltd. which will include, in cooperation with MPEG and MGP, establishing a Traditional Knowledge Working Group, determining community participation, determining the types of information that will be documented, defining the study area, collecting data through interviews, verifying the accuracy of the data, writing reports, controlling and using the data, and input in a GIS format compatible with the format used by MGP. It is anticipated that the study will document data related to wildlife, birds, fisheries, vegetation, historical/cultural/spiritual sites, climate, soil conditions, hydrology and hydrogeology, human health, cumulative effects and other relevant social, economic and environmental issues. The area of interest for this study encompasses 10 km each side of the proposed pipeline corridor, and reflects areas likely influenced by project effects on traditional uses, environmental components (e.g., fish, vegetation, wildlife) and communities. The study will also include areas of potential granular and infrastructure sites. It may also extend further than mentioned above in certain specific cases such as when considering wildlife.