Parsons Lake LiDAR Survey

Regions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region

Tags: physical sciences, petroleum industry, industrial development, topography, geography

Principal Investigator: Mislan, Marie (1)
Licence Number: 13530
Organization: ConocoPhillips Canada
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Issued: Aug 08, 2003
Project Team: two employ

Objective(s): This work is part of preliminary information gathering related to a possible natural gas development at Parsons Lake. ConocoPhillips Canada is interested in determining the topographic features of the study area both for drainage assessment and for determining a suitable flat location for a possible future site development. The objective is to obtain a high resolution, highly accurate, 3-dimensional topographic image of the study area. The resolution of the images obtainable from the LiDAR survey will provide detail that cannot be obtained from a ground-based survey, and in a form that can be manipulated directly in ways that would not be possible with data obtained from a ground survey. The work will involve one day (approximately 2.2 hours) of helicopter surveying to make the 20 flight lines at a flying height of 300 m above ground level required to cover the study area. Two geodetic grade GPS receivers will be deployed (one at the Inuvik airport, one within the project area near Parsons Lake) and retrieved during the day of work. Airborne LiDAR technology provides an unobtrusive method of surveying using laser pulses that are considered "eyes-safe" during operations and have not been shown to have any impact on wildlife or vegetation.