Fish Habitat Assessment of the Mackenzie River Related to the Deh Cho Bridge

Regions: Dehcho Region

Tags: habitat assessment, fisheries assessment

Principal Investigator: O'Neil, Jim (3)
Licence Number: 13500
Organization: Golder Associates Ltd, for Jivko Engineering on behalf of Andrew Gamble Associates and Deh Cho Bridge Corporation Ltd.
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Issued: Jul 14, 2003
Project Team: Amy Langho

Objective(s): Because of concerns that the proposed bridge construction and operation could affect aquatic habitat and fish populations in the Mackenzie River, in the vicinity of Fort Providence, a fisheries/habitat assessment was commissioned by the proponents (Andrew Gamble Associates and Deh Cho Bridge Corporation Ltd.). The objectives of the assessment are to: 1) describe and quantify the habitat that will be altered or lost by the structure (i.e., permanent loss associated with the footprint of the causeways and piers, temporary disturbance during construction due to sediment entrainment, etc.); 2) describe the local fish resources based on traditional fisheries knowledge, supplemented by a field sampling program; 3) determine the potential for interference or delay of fish movements past the site; 4) determine the suitability of the instream bridge components as fish habitat; and 5) develop an effective and practical "no net loss" to meet the requirements of the federal Fisheries Act.