Gwich'in Elders' Biographies Research Project

Regions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region

Tags: social sciences, elders

Principal Investigator: McCartney, Leslie (3)
Licence Number: 13199
Organization: Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute
Licensed Year(s): 2002 2001 2000
Issued: May 29, 2001
Project Team: Alestrine Andre, Ingrid Kritsch

Objective(s): The Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute (GSCI) has recognized that there is a lack of written information on Gwich'in Elders who live in the Gwich'in Settlement Region. The GSCI has identified a project wherein a series of biographical sketches of Elders in these communities are to be written. The first objective is to produce biographical sketches of Elders who wish to participate in the project, in the communities of Aklavik, Ft. McPherson, Tsiigehtchic, and Inuvik. The second objective of the project is to produce a calendar for the year 2003 featuring 12 Gwich'in Elders. The calendar will feature both a picture of the Elder, and a short written story about their lives. The positive aspects of this project include the transmission of Gwich'in knowledge and history from the Elders, the promotion of pride in Gwich'in culture, and the provision of positive role models for younger people, Gwich'in and otherwise.

Project Description: Biological sketches will be produced for consenting Elders from the four communities: Aklavik, Fort McPherson, Inuvik and Tsiigehtchic. The researcher will be based in Tsiigehtchic and Elders from this community and Fort McPherson will be interviewed first. Once these interviews are completed, the researcher will move to Inuvik to interview both Elders from that community and from Aklavik. Interviews will be approximately 8 hours in length spread over several days. Interviews will be conducted in either Gwich'in or English, and will be audio and/or video taped. An interpreter will be hired locally and 2 students may be hired by the GSCI as field assistants. Three copies of audio tapes will be made and archived as follows: 1 in archives in Yellowknife, 1 for the Language Centre in Fort McPherson and 1 for the GSCI offices.