Metal Levels in Fish from Lakes in the Dogrib Region Surrounding Rae Lakes
Principal Investigator: Stoddart, Melissa (1)
Licence Number: 13159
Organization: Gameti First Nation
Licensed Year(s): 2000
Issued: Aug 01, 2000
Project Team: Gunnar Paulson, community members

Objective(s): This project developed out of the community concern's about the effect that local contaminants may have on their health and well being. The objectives of the study are: to obtain baseline data on the level of metals in fish from lakes that are commonly used as traditional harvesting grounds; to deliver the results of the study to the community and address local contaminant concerns; to provide community members with training in research methods relevant to this project; and to establish an integrated monitoring program that identifies contaminants on a lake by lake basis. Gameti First Nation Band deems it necessary to protect the land and resources that they use and require. This study needs to be conducted in order to determine if metal concentrations in these species of fish from these lakes are above safe levels for consumption.

Project Description: This project developed out of the community concern's about the effect that local contaminants may have on their health and well being. The objectives of the study are: to obtain baseline data on the level of metals in fish from lakes that are commonly used as traditional harvesting grounds; to deliver the results of the study to the community and address local contaminant concerns; to provide community members with training in research methods relevant to this project; and to establish an integrated monitoring program that identifies contaminants on a lake by lake basis. Lakes will be identified from community consultation. At each lake a total of 10 fish tissue and liver samples will be obtained from lake trout and round whitefish. More information on the fisheries component of this study can be obtained through the researcher's Fisheries and Oceans permit (DFO). Gameti First Nation Band deems it necessary to protect the land and resources that they use and require. This study needs to be conducted in order to determine if metal concentrations in these species of fish from these lakes are above safe levels for consumption.