Use of Geographic Information Systems in Aboriginal Communities
Principal Investigator: Gibson, Bob (1)
Licence Number: 12828
Organization: University of Waterloo
Licensed Year(s): 1995
Issued: Jan 01, 1995
Project Team: Stephen Kilburn

Objective(s): The main goal of this research is to determine approaches to using GIS in aboriginal community planning endeavours that allow effective use of the technologies without requiring implicit acceptance of dominant cultural views of valid knowledge and its forms Will explore rationale for using GIS in community planning exercise, examine how GIS data fit into broader info base for planning, examine what considerations are important when deciding whether to transform traditional knowledge into GIS datasets and what efforts are made to preserve elements of TK unamendable to such representation, examine implications for guiding other communities considering GIS use.

Project Description: Review internal documents concerning planning processes and decisions which will be used to study how GIS are used in aboriginal lands and resource planning; info gathered and this process will be reviewed to understand the nature of TK for the community; people involved in planning and GIS activities will be interviewed so that their understandings of how the systems fit into planning & how problems with them have been solved.