Regions: Gwich'in Settlement Area
Tags: water quality, biology, wetlands, pollution, wastewater, amphibian
Principal Investigator: | Fehr, Alan (3) |
Licence Number: | 12791 |
Organization: | Inuvik Research Centre |
Licensed Year(s): |
Issued: | Jan 01, 1995 |
Project Team: | Research Assistant to be hired locally |
Objective(s): To gather and summarize water quality and sewage effluent data collected on the Mackenzie Delta by: completing a literature review of water quality and sewage effluent research; collect water samples for analysis; describe the wetland biota along drainage between between the lake and Peel River; document the distribution, past and present, of wood frogs (a species sensitive to water pollution) in the Delta; and summarize the literature, analyse the data and prepare a plain language report.
Project Description: The researchers will determine what impact sewage effluent from the Hamlet of Aklavik is having on the water quality and biota downstream. A literature review on the entire Delta will be completed. Interview with people having camps on the Delta and field observations will give an idea of past and present distribution of wood frogs. Water quality samples will be taken and wetland biota described. This will give an indication of water pollution impact.