Banks Island Fish Populations/Char Genetic Variation Project

Regions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region

Tags: contaminants, biology, fish, fish population, arctic char, genetic diversity, morphology

Principal Investigator: Babaluk, John (4)
Licence Number: 12727
Organization: Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993
Issued: Jan 01, 1994
Project Team: J. Johnson

Objective(s): To describe the population structure and characteristics (growth, age composition, fecundity, etc. of the major fish species in Middle and Kuptan Lakes; (possibly) to estimate the potential yields of the major fish species in the lakes; to incorporate information obtained from this study into subsequent management strategies; and to analyse fish for contaminants.

Project Description: This is a continuing project to survey fish populations of lakes and rivers. In the past population studies have been conducted in the Fish and Raddi lakes, the Sachs River and the Benard River. This year Middle and Kuptan lakes will be surveyed and if there is time Capron and Swan lakes may also be surveyed. The project will also continue studies on genetic and morphological variation in Arctic char from these lakes and the two rivers.