Origins, development and future of World Heritage in Canada

Regions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

Tags: social sciences, national parks, heritage sites, park management policy

Principal Investigator: Elliot, Nancy (2)
Licence Number: 12621
Organization: Trent University
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993
Issued: Jan 01, 1994
Project Team: self

Objective(s): To determine the origins of World Heritage in Canada; to examine the impact of World Heritage designation on selected sites, to discuss considerations and potential use of the World Heritage designation; to examine how stronger community-level consultation may influence the effectiveness of managing World Heritage sites in the NWT.

Project Description: The researcher will examine the potential impact that `international' status may have on the proposed North Baffin Island National Park. The area has been identified as one of the most productive arctic ecosystems in the circumpolar north. With the new emergence of a new national park and Nunavut, opportunity exists to examine the potential impact of a `World Heritage Site' designation on the park.