Preglacial channel and sediment-fill of the ancestral Mackenzie River Valley between Wrigley and Fort Good Hope, NWT
Principal Investigator: Smith, Derald (6)
Licence Number: 12386
Organization: University of Calgary
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Issued: Jan 01, 1993
Project Team: M. Hay

Objective(s): To document and better understand the fluvial environment of the ancestral Mackenzie River.

Project Description: The Mackenzie River Valley, from Wrigley to Fort Good Hope, will be surveyed in order to document the nature of the river prior to the last glaciation. Sediments will be sampled in order to determine their age (using radiocarbon dating techniques). Field work will take place along the Mackenzie River between Wrigley and the mouth of the Redstone River, in the lower section of Gt. Bear River, and at Kelly, Turton and Sam McRae Lakes as well as Lac a Jacque.