Large-scale ice fracture experiments: Phase 2

Regions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

Tags: physical sciences, sea ice

Principal Investigator: Kennedy, Kurt (1)
Licence Number: 12354
Organization: Canadian Marine Drilling Ltd.
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Issued: Jan 01, 1993
Project Team: members of the following: Sandwell Inc., Jessco Operations Inc., Clarkson University

Objective(s): To investigate the fracture properties of first-year sea ice based on methods developed in Phase 1. Phase 1 was completed in January 1992 near Calgary, Alberta.

Project Description: Ice in the Canadian Arctic often cracks and splits, sometimes forming leads. When an offshore oil drilling platform is struck by a piece of ice, it has been observed that in many cases the ice will split. Once the floe has split, the force it can exert on the drilling platform is greatly reduced. This research is intended to determine why and under what conditions ice floes split. A number of experiments will be performed to assess the behaviour of ice.