Song Dialects of Lapland Longspurs and Female Reproductive Strategies in Arctic Birds.

Regions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

Tags: biology, birds, reproduction

Principal Investigator: Montgomerie, Robert D. (3)
Licence Number: 12165
Organization: Queen's University
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Issued: Jan 01, 1992
Project Team: Hannah Dvorak, Jim Dale, Janice Roosdahl

Objective(s): To determine the extent of local and geographic variation in Lapland Longspur songs; to investigate the variety of strategies used by female birds to ensure their reproductive success in a cold environment, to examine the ability of eggs to withstand cold temperatures, and the methods used by females in raising their offspring;

Project Description: The researcher and his team will determine the extent of local and geographic variation in Lapland longspur songs. As well, they will look at the variety of strategies used by female birds to ensure their reproductive success in a cold environment. They will also examine the ability of eggs to withstand cold temperatures and the methods used by females in raising their offspring.