Geology of Bathurst, Prince Patrick and Adjacent Islands

Regions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

Tags: physical sciences, geology, stratigraphy, bedrock, mapping

Principal Investigator: Harrison, J. Christopher (4)
Licence Number: 12158
Organization: Geological Survey of Canada
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Issued: Jan 01, 1992
Project Team: Dr. Ray Thorsteinsson, Dr. Time de Freitas

Objective(s): To carry out bedrock geological mapping, stratigraphic section measuring, deformation kinematic analysis of bedrock structure, and bedrock sampling for additional lab analyses and office study.

Project Description: The researcher and his team will engage in bedrock mapping and related geological studies in order to produce 1:250 000 scale geological maps of Bathurst, Prince Patrick and Eglinton Islands.