Gradient Analysis of High Arctic Sedge Meadows

Regions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

Tags: climatology, biology, soil, vegetation, interspecific competition

Principal Investigator: Henry, Gregory (5)
Licence Number: 10092
Organization: Department of Geography, University of Alberta
Licensed Year(s): 1991 1990
Issued: Jan 01, 1990
Project Team: J. Desrosiers; C. Young;

Objective(s): To determine whether floristic composition, standing crop and net production differs in high arctic sedge meadows with contrasting microclimates and grazing regimes; to determine how competition among the major sedge species is affected by variations in climate and grazing pressure;

Project Description: The Researcher and his team will work at four sites across central Ellesmere Island. They will establish automatic climate stations at each site and take measurements of the soils and vegetation.