Principal Investigator:Suzuki, T.. Licensed Year(s):
To measure a number of sample forest plots in detail to assemble a body of data with which to test a computer simulation model of the growth and development of tree stands....
Principal Investigator:Bartschi, B. Licensed Year(s):
Measurement of the intensity of three wave lengths of light at night in relation to time and the aurora borealis. Part of a study of upper atmospher conducted in various locations....
Principal Investigator:Rigler, Frank Licensed Year(s):
1) To test the applicability of the Dillon and Rigler (1974) method of predicting the trophic status of lakes in the Sub-Arctic. 2) To modify and develop this method so accuracy and precision are improved....
Principal Investigator:Wahn, M.B. Licensed Year(s):
A social Epidemiological study of the distribution of infant disease in the Northwest Territories....
Principal Investigator:Sherstone, D.A. Licensed Year(s):
1) To acquire aerial photography of hydrologic characteristics of the Mackenzie and Lower Liard River basins. 2) To acquire photography of environmentally sensititve areas along the Central Arctic gas pipeline route. 3) To acquire aerial photography of glacier research sites in the Arctic Islands area (particularly ...
Principal Investigator:McLean, D. M. Licensed Year(s):
1) To define the prevalence of arboviruses pathogenic for man, especially California encephalitis virus, 2) to determine quantitive relationships between the incidence of arboviral infection in mosquito larvae, adult mosquitoes and vertebrate reservoirs of arboviral virus....
Principal Investigator:Martin, Miss Linda Licensed Year(s):
To map non-legal land and resource use along a 28 km. Pipeline corridor in the Mackenzie Delta. Information to be gathered from Yellowknife government officials (i.e. archaeological sites, etc.)...
Principal Investigator:Gorlick, Carolyne Licensed Year(s):
An analysis of the elementary school teacher as: a potential agent for diffusion of schooling, educational innovations and technologies; a member of the existing occupational structure of the region. An analysis of: the extent to which the educational system can compete with other institutions for potential candidates; the schools philosophy of recruitment and training of personnel; the educati...
Principal Investigator:Carpenter, William J. Licensed Year(s):
Standardization of a near extinct breed of indigenous sled dog known as the Eskimo dog ( Canis familiaris borealis) and the publicaiton of a breed monograph....