Principal Investigator:Sloggett, Joel Licensed Year(s):
To assess fur harvesting rates and participation in the community of Tuktoyaktuk over the last 10 years through collaboration with and by reviewing existing data collected by such agencies as GNWT Renewable Resources, Inuvialuit Game Council and the Tuktoyaktuk Hunters and Trappers Association; and by conducting household interviews with the approval and in consultation with the Tuktoyaktuk Hamlet...
Principal Investigator:Barreto, Luis Licensed Year(s):
A preliminary study will be undertaken to confirm the safety and the immunogenicity of the Connaught conjugate vaccine for native populations of the NWT (Phase I). This will be determined by the frequency and severity of adverse responses to three doses of the vaccine by a sample of infants 2-3 months of age drawn from Inuit and Dene populations. Parental consent will be obtained for all those in...
Principal Investigator:Scriven, David Licensed Year(s):
To complet an issue analysis of the Norman Wells Pipeline in order to clarify and further define the 7 major issues identified at the July 16/17, 1986 "Mitigation and compensation" Workshop held at the University of Ottawa. This is preliminary work to recommend a research prospectus for examination of mitigation and compensation in the Environmental Assessment process....
Principal Investigator:MacDonald, Glen M Licensed Year(s):
To use fossil pollen and plant macrofossils from small lakes to reconstruct the response of plant populations in the treeline zone to climatic change. Modern pollen surface samples from small lakes in the treeline zone will be collected to aoid in the interpretation of the fossil pollen samples. The study area will include the boreal forest, forest-tundra and tundra zones near Yellowknife (115 W...
Principal Investigator:Saxon, Leslie A. Licensed Year(s):
To investigate the pronouns and questions in the Dogrib language as part of research into overall patterns of sentence structure in Dogrib; provide a description of Dogrib sentence structure potentially useful for other applications; compare Dogrib with related languages and to aid the understanding of language structure generally....
Principal Investigator:Davis, Stuart Licensed Year(s):
To determine the feasibility of Arctic Char stocking in Jack Fish Lake, for a commercial scale farm and hatchery and to determine the economic and nutritional costs and benefits of foods derived from local fish silage versus imported commercially prepared feeds....
Principal Investigator:Bresnahan, Barb R. Licensed Year(s):
To interview women regarding their experiences and perceptions of the participation of women in the political process and leadership roles in the Northwest Territories, with the hope of discovering why so many women become politically active in the north....
Principal Investigator:Dunn, James M. Licensed Year(s):
Students enrolled in a University of Colorado Course "Geography 498: Arctic Field Research Techniques: will investigate physical and recreation geography through instructor-directed fieldwork in the Thelon Game Sanctuary....
Principal Investigator:Zallen, Morris Licensed Year(s):
To identify key biological resources (principally migratory birds and mammals) and aspects of human land use (communities and settlements, resource harvesting areas) within or adjacent to proposed flight corridors. Potential concerns related to the above will be addressed by assessing the degree of disturbance from noise & emissions from aircraft. This research includes gathering socio-economic ...
Principal Investigator:Mathias, Richard G. Licensed Year(s):
To study the effectiveness of two treatment protocols in controlling sexually transmitted diseases in communities in the N.W.T. The treatments are efficacious in individuals but it is not known which one will be better for overall community reduction in the numbers of cases of sexually transmitted disease....