15 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) à l’emplacement "" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés):
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Stages of Change Profiles in Adolescent Clinical Treatment
chercheur principal: Pace, Elizabeth
Année(s) de permis: 2003
Résumé: This research intends to explore the readiness for change in an adolescent population seeking counseling in a clinical setting. Data collection in the Northwest Territories will be limited to one psychological private practice. Data collection will comm...

Therapists' Professional and Personal Perspectives on Professional Practice in a Small Remote Community
chercheur principal: Charlebois, Julie
Année(s) de permis: 2003
Résumé: This research will investigate mental health therapists' perspectives on working and living in a small remote community. It will involve interviews with three therapists living in the same geographic area. The interview questions will be related to per...

Perspective on Mental Health and Illness by Selected Dogrib Women Patients
chercheur principal: Crawford, Lorie
Année(s) de permis: 1992
Résumé: The purpose of this research is to identify selective Dogrib perspectives surrounding mental health and illness. Women from Dogrib communities who are currently receiving treatment for a long term mental illness will be interviewed to learn their perceptions of need for treatment, what works, what doesn't, what their expectations are, and how their familial relationships have shifted over the cou...

The Experience of Depression for Chipewyan and White Northern Women
chercheur principal: MacLean, Lynne
Année(s) de permis: 1988
Résumé: Lynne MacLean will be interviewing women and mental health workers about depression and how to overcome it. All interviews will be confidential. She wants to know whether the experience and effects of depression are different between Chipewyan and white women. She also will ask mental health workers what types of difficulties they experience when dealing with depression in native versus non-nat...

Transcultural Study on Suicide among Native Peoples of Canada, Australia and New Zeland
chercheur principal: Urschel, John
Année(s) de permis: 1987
Résumé: To obtain information on the prevalence of suicide for the year 1985 by reviewing charts located in the NWT Chief Coroner's Office; examine some of teh social and psychological factors related to suicide by interviewing and making contact with native organizations and other interested agencies, in order to integrate this information with the demographic material....