Principal Investigator:Heck, Darren M Licensed Year(s):
2012 Summary:
The objectives of this project are:
a) Inventory of historical and ecological resources in the area;
b) past, present and future uses of the area by community residents;
c) identification of potential impacts of use of the land use areas supporting access and maintenance (i.e. camps, trails, buffer areas and work areas); and
d) provide follow-up mechanism for on-going communication of issues i...
Principal Investigator:Mitrovic, Inya Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research project is to determine how effective the public consultation processes utilized by Mackenzie Gas Project’s proponents (Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Limited, the Mackenzie Valley Aboriginal Pipeline Limited Partnership, ConocoPhillips Canada [North] Limited, Shell Canada Limited and ExxonMobil Canada Properties) were in addressing and meeting stakeholder interests...
Principal Investigator:Van Stempvoort, Dale R. Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this study are to 1) address information gaps with respect to groundwater quality and quantity along the proposed pipeline corridor; 2)gather groundwater information along the corridor between Fort Simpson and Great Bear Lake; 3) examine remediation processes for, and results of, petroleum spills in the north; and 4) help the Department of Transportation investigate potential gro...
Principal Investigator:Lange, Lynda Licensed Year(s):
To carry out a follow-up study of the Norman Wells Oilfield Expansion and Pipeline Project in relation to actual employment goals and related employment of native women....
Principal Investigator:Lange, Lynda Licensed Year(s):
To carry out a study to investigate the actual employment goals, in connection with the Norman Wells Oilfield Expansion and Pipeline Project, and related employment, of native women in the Mackenzie Valley....