Principal Investigator:Chiperzak, Doug Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5060.
The goal is to collect baseline fish, fish habitat and hydrotechnical data for selected watercourses along the proposed Mackenzie Valley Highway to support engineering design and the regulatory process.
Fish habitat will be assessed along 100 m reaches upstream and downstream of each potential watercourse crossing....
Principal Investigator:Grey, Bryan J. Licensed Year(s):
1. To obtain relative sediment loadings in the Liard River and the Mackenzie River above and below its junction with the Liard. 2. To measure spring and summer flow patterns in the Liard River at several sites along the propsoed Liard higway....
Principal Investigator:Jasper, J.N. Licensed Year(s):
Measurement of peak stream flows and assessment of environmental conditions at stream crossings along the Mackenzie Highway....