Principal Investigator:Yazdanmehr, Susan Licensed Year(s):
A survey of teachers, education administrators, community health and social service personnel, selected personnel in the Territorial departments of Education, Health and Social Services will be conducted. The information is to be used to develop further implementation strategies for comprehensive school health in the N.W.T....
Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will carry out a needs assessment. Interviews will be conducted with 30 employers, organizations and trades women. A small sample of men working in trades will also be interviewed....
Principal Investigator:Lavoie, Susan Licensed Year(s):
1. To develop and implement a print survey to asses child care needs within all NWT communities; 2. To put together a final report and action plan based on results of survey from communities, in consultation with NWT Child Care Association Board....
Principal Investigator:Abele, Frances Licensed Year(s):
To carry out research on Transport Canada's Native Fligh Service Station Operators Training Program, and to study factors that contribute to success or failure of that program....
Principal Investigator:MacDougall, Jamie C. Licensed Year(s):
To compile a list of all agencies, institutions, and individuals who provide medical, educational or rehabilitation services to hearing impaired children in Canada; to profile the relevant characteristics of all hearing impaired Canadian children from birth to 21 years of age....
Principal Investigator:Duffett, Jane Licensed Year(s):
Development of Prenatal Nutrition Education materials for use throughout NWT communities....
Principal Investigator:Borre, Kristen Licensed Year(s):
A dissertation research to examine how Dogrib Dene make diet choices and the kind of work activities they must do to obtain the diet they consume. Possible nutritional problems will be identified and the kind of diet desired by the community will be recorded....
Principal Investigator:MacDougall, Jamie C. Licensed Year(s):
1. To compile a list of all agencies, institutions, and individuals who provide medical, educational or rehabilitation services to hearing impaired children in Canada; 2. To profile the relevant character- istics of all hearing impaired Canadian children from birth to 21 years of age....