Principal Investigator:St. Pierre, Isabelle Licensed Year(s):
The goal of this project is to identify factors that support the successful integration, retention and career advancement of internationally educated nurses (IENs) into the Canadian healthcare system.
This can guide potential IENs by helping them understand how to prepare for employment as a nurse in Canada.
The research will also better assist educators and employers to develop the most app...
Principal Investigator:Rodon, Thierry Licensed Year(s):2015
This project will bridge this knowledge gap by achieving the following three objectives:
1) Making a list of various methods used by Aboriginal communities and organizations to distribute royalties and profit shares paid by resource companies;
2) Identifying the characteristics of each mode of distributions and their positive and negative outcomes; and
3) Identifying the most sustainable practi...
Principal Investigator:Hannon, Judith L Licensed Year(s):
2013201220112006 Summary:
The objectives of this research project are to confirm that the RhD phenotype is appropriately assigned in a population of prenatal patients that has not been studied for the presence of variant RhD gene alleles that would require them to be assigned an Rh-negative status and treated with Rh immune globulin.
Samples will be selected for analysis among prenatal samples from the Northwest Territo...
Principal Investigator:Chen, Wenjun Licensed Year(s):
2013 Summary:
The goals of this research project are:
1. To fill the information gap on Bathurst caribou summer range conditions using satellite remote sensing data and community-based ground vegetation monitoring
2. To develop a cumulative impact assessment method that makes cumulative impact assessment possible even if data are incomplete and provides timely feedback for guiding the refinement of monitoring...
Principal Investigator:Bell, Marnie Licensed Year(s):
Project Goal: Health and social service providers in the North will have access to a learning resource that will help them to support communities to find their own ways to promote wellness and healthy living.
To identify community development needs, preferences for ongoing learning and expectations for support from employers; to assess levels of competency and perform a gap analysi...
Principal Investigator:Wrightson, Kelsey R Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are to:
1) gain a general understanding of the exhibitions; how the relationship was established, the final exhibition layout, composition and content at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre (PWNHC) in Yellowknife; 2) learn about the roles of specific individuals and their experiences with the museum in Scotland; 3) better understand community and c...
Principal Investigator:Kuhn, Karen Licensed Year(s):
20122011 Summary:
The overall aim of this research project is to conduct an evaluation of the HealthNet Electronic Health Record (EHR) implementation in the NWT to assess the impact on patient care and resource utilization as well as gather lessons learned that may be used to inform other clinical systems implementations.
Since the research protocol and ethics applications were approved, the Department of Health...
Principal Investigator:Coulthard, Glen Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are to:
1) document, evaluate and support the development of Dechinta Bush University Centre for Research and Learning; Including:
A. governance practices, institutional structures and partnerships,
B. teaching quality,
C. the integration of land-based learning with university programming,
D. students' personal and academic development and success, ...
Principal Investigator:Duthie, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
2011 Summary:
The objectives of this research are to build up baseline reports on the social/economic and land and resource use conditions in the research area.
For the interview-based research:
Length of interviews - typically lasting approximately an hour, longer interviews would be confirmed in advance out of respect for people's schedules.
Type of Interviews - Personal interviews are carried out wherev...
Principal Investigator:Young, Barbara M Licensed Year(s):
To determine the potential cost savings and health-related quality of life benefits of implementing point-of-care (POC) international normalized ratio (INR) testing in remote communities in the NWT and Kitikmeot region.
Canada’s Non-Insured Health Benefits Program drug prescription database will be used to determine the number of individuals receiving warfarin in each of the remote regions in t...