Principal Investigator:Driscoll Engelstad, Bernadette Licensed Year(s):
Data is collected through interviews. Topics include sewing activitiy; clothing production for family use and/or sale; history of clothing change; fur preparation and household hunting activity; graphic art production; craft production; household income and disbursement; domestic responsibilities; community employment statistics and opportunities; current interest in sewing, clothing production b...
Principal Investigator:Richardson, Denrick Licensed Year(s):
The study will follow an ethnographic or qualitative approach. An attempt will be made to interview a total of 100 people representing influential people in the communities....
Principal Investigator:Zarowny, Sister Mary Licensed Year(s):
Local church personnel or volunteers will invite those who wish to participate in evening or weekend sessions to discuss their realities and answer a number of open ended questions. Local followup may result from these sessions. Summaries of sessions will be forwarded to the coordinator and used for development of further reflection processes and pastoral strategies....