27 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Tooniktoyak: A Longitudinal Approach to Community Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change
Principal Investigator: Pearce, Tristan D
Licensed Year(s): 2019
Summary: The broad aim of the TOONIKTOYAK project is: 1) to facilitate the generation, documentation, and two-way sharing of observations, experiences and knowledge of changing climatic conditions and the costs of hunting among hunters, researchers and decision-makers, to enhance the safety and success of our hunters and provide timely information for decision-making. The specific objectives of the pro...

BEARWATCH: Monitoring Impacts of Arctic Climate Change using Polar Bears, Genomics and Traditional Ecological Knowledge.
Principal Investigator: Lougheed, Stephen C.
Licensed Year(s): 2019 2018
Summary: This research will integrate and map polar bear knowledge systems and translate findings into a community-based monitoring protocol that will track polar bear population responses to environmental change. Research questions include: i1) Are polar bear science data, existing Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), and historical records from the fur trade, explorer’s personal accounts and governmen...

A Longitudinal Approach to Community Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change
Principal Investigator: Pearce, Tristan D
Licensed Year(s): 2018 2017 2016
Summary: This research aims to examine the processes and dynamism of climate change vulnerability in the Arctic through a longitudinal study in Ulukhaktok, NWT using fieldwork data from both 2005 and 2016. Specific objectives of this research are: 1) to document current exposure-sensitivities affecting Inuit subsistence hunting and adaptive strategies employed to manage them; 2) to compare current exposure...

Tracking Change... Local and Traditional Knowledge in Watershed Governance
Principal Investigator: Parlee, Brenda L
Licensed Year(s): 2019 2019 2019 2017 2016
Summary: The broad goal of the project is to create opportunities to collaboratively document and share local and traditional knowledge (LTK) about social-ecological change in the Mackenzie River Basin, Lower Mekong, and Lower Amazon Basins and determine its’ role in watershed governance. The project will fund 8-10 community-based and collaborative research activities in the Mackenzie River Basin that deal...

Inuit Traditional Knowledge for Adapting to the Health Effects of Climate Change (IK-ADAPT)
Principal Investigator: Pearce, Tristan D
Licensed Year(s): 2014 2013 2012
Summary: In previous years, research questions were identified together with community research partners that are relevant and important to the community. This project consists of 3 complimentary research objectives. Taken together, these questions contribute to an understanding of the role Inuit traditional knowledge plays in adaptation to the health impacts of climate change. 1. Food Security, Climat...

Nunamin Illihakvia: Learning from the Land
Principal Investigator: Pearce, Tristan D
Licensed Year(s): 2014 2013
Summary: The Nunamin Illihakvia project is dedicated to enabling the transfer of traditional knowledge, skill sets and values, based on Inuit knowledge and guiding principles in a changing climate. The specific objectives are to: 1) Facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills among experienced hunters, Elders and younger generation Inuit for how to make seal hunting equipment, how to travel on the sea...

Climate change impacts on Inuit food security in Canada’s Western Arctic: Constructing a comparative anthropological model to guide adaptation planning
Principal Investigator: Douglas, Vasiliki K
Licensed Year(s): 2012 2010
Summary: The purpose of this project is to assist the Inuvialuit in adaptation planning that will meet ongoing environmental and social challenges, while also maintaining their rights under the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The existing knowledge, skills and networks that facilitate such adaptations are important community ‘assets’ that form the basis of capacity-building. The goal ...

Polar bear traditional knowledge for the Beaufort Sea
Principal Investigator: Maraj, Ramona
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010
Summary: Local and traditional knowledge will be collected related to the population status of polar bears, and the influence that climate change has had on polar bears and their habitat in the Beaufort Sea. The information from interviews will be used to develop a description of acceptable management practices and management goals for polar bears and compare this information to science-based information ...

Adaptation Planning for Climate Change in Ulukhaktok, Paulatuk and Aklavik, NWT
Principal Investigator: Pearce, Tristan D
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010
Summary: The researcher will work in collaboration with community members, local stakeholders, scientists and policy makers to complete the development of climate change adaptation plans in Paulatuk and Ulukhaktok and Aklavik. In Paulatuk and Ulukhaktok, ArcticNorth researchers working with local research assistants and coordinators, will reconvene the working groups from winter 2010 to review the preli...

Adaptation Planning for Climate Change and Subsistence Economies in two Inuvialuit Communities
Principal Investigator: Pearce, Tristan D
Licensed Year(s): 2010
Summary: The researcher will work in collaboration with community members, local stakeholders, scientists and policy makers to develop adaptation plans that address climate change vulnerabilities in the subsistence economies in two communities in the ISR. The project will use participatory methods to develop adaptation plans in the case study communities: • Secondary sources of information: Existin...