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beluga whale 
marine mammals 
tissue sampling 
bowhead whales 

2 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Investigation of the nervous and immune systems in the beluga
Principal Investigator: Romano, Tracy
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: This research will examine the nervous (i.e., brain) and immune systems of beluga by collecting these tissues from harvested animals for laboratory analyses. This study will help to determine how contaminants affect the health of belugas. In addition, the data collected may lead to a better understanding of why whales strand themselves on the shoreline as it has been suggested that beached whale...

Licence #1858
Principal Investigator: Hoek, W.
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: A study of the biology of bowhead whales to determine to what extent, if any, animals are stranded as a result of wounding from the Alaskan hunt....