Principal Investigator:Kerr, Daniel E. Licensed Year(s):
1987 Summary:
To collect data for PhD thesis; to investigate the nature of the Late Quaternary stratigraphic record of marine and glaciomarine deposits exposed by rivers along the mainland coast of the NWT; to define ice-front positions during ice retreat; to describe the succession of depositional environments during deglaciation; to evaluate the extent of isostatic uplift....
Principal Investigator:Mackay, J.R. Licensed Year(s):
1987 Summary:
To understand better the origin of permafrost, the ice within permafrost, and the processes that help create the present geocryologic environment....
Principal Investigator:Pollard, Wayne H Licensed Year(s):
To complete a three year study concerned with the detailed investigation of ground ice characteristics by mapping ground ice distribution and stratigraphic relations along with collection of sediment and ice samples for grain, size, moisture content, isotope and crystallographic analysis. Field investigation will utilize existing ground ice slumps and permafrost exposures along coastal bluffs in ...
Principal Investigator:Macdonald, R.W. Licensed Year(s):
To continue the study and come to understand natural hydrocarbon distributions and primary productivity in the oil exploration zone of the Mackenzie Estuary. To predict the impact of projected industrial discharges of hydrocarbons, planned or accidental, by studying and model processes governing natural distributions of the same compounds....
Principal Investigator:Farmer, D. Licensed Year(s):
To study the generation of noise due to ice, the propagation of sound under ice, the character of noice prior to summer ice break-up and the seasonal variation of ice noise....
Principal Investigator:Vincent, Jean-Serge Licensed Year(s):
To map, describe and explain the unconsolidated deposits, landforms, permafrost, and organic cover, and undertake geomorphic process studies in order to provide aerial knowledge of geology and terrain that will (a) aid in the implementation of the Territorial Land Use Regulations; (b) be pertinent to engineering construction; (c) provide data relative to terrain sensitivity rating; and (d) elucida...
Principal Investigator:St-Onge, Denis A. Licensed Year(s):
To collect small specimens, mostly of unconsolidated sediments, in order to determine their nature, origin and age....
Principal Investigator:Melling, Humfrey Licensed Year(s):
To install current meters and tide gauges beneath the sea surface to measure and record flow and sea-level for 12 months; pack ice motion and surface wind will be measured by drifting instruments for two months - to enable the prediction of ice motion several days in advance....
Principal Investigator:Ritchie, J.C. Licensed Year(s):
April - to take 5 cm diamete rcores of unconsolidated lake mud from 6 small lakes; July - to conduct a survey of the vegetation surrounding the lakes sampled in the above winter coring operation....