4 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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A study of the supply of organic bromine from the ocean to the arctic atmosphere.
Principal Investigator: Moore, Robert M.
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Summary: Previous research has indicated that compounds containing bromine could play a role in the destruction of the ozone layer. This study is part of on-going research that is examining how important northern marine waters are as sources of bromine to the Arctic atmosphere. Seawater, snow and ice will be collected and assessed for bromine. In addition, measurements will be taken to determine if seaw...

Beaufort Sea Ice Motion Programme - Wintertime Hydrography
Principal Investigator: Melling, Humfrey
Licensed Year(s): 1988 1987
Summary: To obtain better understanding of the role which wintertime freezing over the Mackenzie shelf of the Beaufort Sea plays in maintaining the peculiar cold haocline of the Arctic Ocean. Measurements will also show light on the regional ice budget, and on the recycling of nutrients to the surface layer by the wintertime haline circulation. Field study involves the measurement of the temperature, sal...

Beaufort Sea Ice Motion Programme - Mesoscale Flow Features Study
Principal Investigator: Melling, Humfrey
Licensed Year(s): 1988 1987
Summary: To better describe oceanic flow variations on scales of 5-50 km over the Mackenzie shelf of the southern Beaufort Sea. The relationship between such variations, seafloor topography and shelf water baroclinici will be investigated. The uncertainty which such fluctuations introduce into deterministic models of pack-ice drift may be estimated from the data obtained....

Ambient Noise Under Ice
Principal Investigator: Farmer, D.
Licensed Year(s): 1987
Summary: To study the generation of noise due to ice, the propagation of sound under ice, the character of noice prior to summer ice break-up and the seasonal variation of ice noise....