Principal Investigator:Smith, Sharon S Licensed Year(s):2023
202120202019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5181.
The combined temperature and active layer monitoring network extends from Fort Simpson to the Arctic Coast. With monitoring instrumentation already in place through work under previous licenses, the main work of this phase will be data collection. While different parts of the network can be visited at different times ...
Principal Investigator:Seligman, Ben Licensed Year(s):
2006 Summary:
The proposed fieldwork is an expansion of previous years' fieldwork to develop a suitable knowledge base for planning and development. In addition, some routine maintenance at Camp Farewell will be conducted. The majority of the proposed work is planned for the Niglintgak area and is focused around the Gas Conditioning Facility (GCF) and the Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) crossing site, as ...