Principal Investigator:Koutnik, Michelle Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5390.
The research team propose investigating icy Arctic scarps as analogues for ice-exposing scarps on Mars. Scarp-side exposures of massive tabular ice, overlain by a polygonized overburden dotted with thermokarstic depressions, occur in the continuous and extremely deep permafrost of the Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands in the Can...
Principal Investigator:Pollard, Wayne H Licensed Year(s):2006
20042003 Summary:
This study is an investigation of massive ice in granular deposits in the Mackenzie Delta area. In March, the team will travel by truck on existing winter roads or by helicopter from Inuvik to sites in the Mackenzie Delta. Skidoos will be used to access...
Principal Investigator:Burn, Chris R Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
This on-going research involves the assessment of isotopes in snowpack each winter. Collection of snow and ice at various sites along winter roads in the N.W.T. provides information about the composition of isotopes within a region. Isotopic composition of snow and ice taken from ice cores in Greenland and Antarctica have been able to provide information about past climates....