Principal Investigator:Salokangas, Raila M Licensed Year(s):
The goal of this research is to investigate the meaning of education for Inuvialuit youth and their families in the community of Tuktoyaktuk, specifically; how has the meaning of education changed for the Inuvialuit families? Further, how has education contributed to social change and how does social change contribute to changes in education? Also, is the meaning for education different for local ...
Principal Investigator:Auchterlonie, Sandy Licensed Year(s):
This project will help to provide an understanding of 1) the transitions youth in the NWT face; 2) the difficulties that sometimes go along with transitions; 3) what helps transitions go smoothly; and 4) the programs, services and other resources youth n...
Principal Investigator:Zarowny, Sister Mary Licensed Year(s):
Local church personnel or volunteers will invite those who wish to participate in evening or weekend sessions to discuss their realities and answer a number of open ended questions. Local followup may result from these sessions. Summaries of sessions will be forwarded to the coordinator and used for development of further reflection processes and pastoral strategies....