Principal Investigator:Hovel, Rachel A Licensed Year(s):2021
The objective of this project is to maintain a community-based monitoring program in the communities of Fort McPherson, Aklavik, and Tsiigehtchic.
Data collected in this community-based monitoring program and other previous research has shown that ocean-migrating broad whitefish use the Peel River as spawning habitat, and that these fish also make extensive migrations between rivers in the lowe...
Principal Investigator:Thompson, Amy L Licensed Year(s):
This project is divided into two phases:
Year 1: Traditional knowledge interviews (this licence) will be conducted in each of the four GSA communities. The objective is to document traditional knowledge about loche biology and loche liver condition. Specifically, questions will be asked about loche spawning, movements, predator-prey relationships, habitat, historic changes, loche livers and tra...
Principal Investigator:Mills, Hal Licensed Year(s):
2001 Summary:
There are a number of specific tasks for the Aquatics Effects Study at the ferry landings. The research team will complete an assessment of fish habitat quality. They will determine which fish species utilize the area, collect Gwich'in Traditional Knowl...