Principal Investigator:Jaker, Alessandro M Licensed Year(s):
2016 Summary:
The goal of this project is to better understand the verb system of the Chipewyan dialects native to the area north and east of Great Slave Lake--these dialects are the most different from all other Chipewyan (Dene Suline) dialects, and are referred to (by many speakers) as Tetsot'ine Yatie. These dialects are unique in having lost many intervocalic consonants that are still pronounced in the sout...
Principal Investigator:Jaker, Alessandro M Licensed Year(s):
201320122009200820072005 Summary:
This project is the continuation of a previous year's project, "Teaching our Yellowknives Dene Languages". The research team will produce two published materials, in each language (Dogrib and Chipewyan): an intermediate-level reader, and a verb dictionary. The reader will contain elders' stories on topics from Dene Kede, with a focus on animals: the research team would like to include at least two...
Principal Investigator:Parker, Aliana Licensed Year(s):
The research objective is to understand the connection between Indigenous languages and the land, and to explore how that connection is represented in websites used for Indigenous language education. The central research question is: What is the significance of Indigenous perspectives of land for Indigenous language revitalization efforts? The connection between language and land will be the main ...
Principal Investigator:Christain, Jane M. Licensed Year(s):
Linguistic Research, related to terms and phrases describing family and interfamily relationships. The project will also include continuation of work on a grammar and dictionary of the Slavey language. (Verbal approval has been given by Chief Deneron to Dr. Christian)....