Principal Investigator:Miller, Matthew Licensed Year(s):
201820172016 Summary:
The objective of the monitoring and mitigation is to determine operating procedures and mitigation options for the annual shutdown at Taltson Hydroelectric Facility to minimize the environmental impact on downstream Trudel Creek.
Various mitigation options have been and are being assessed and the results on Trudel Creek are being monitoring to determine the best operating procedure for the ann...
Principal Investigator:Zallen, Morris Licensed Year(s):
To identify key biological resources (principally migratory birds and mammals) and aspects of human land use (communities and settlements, resource harvesting areas) within or adjacent to proposed flight corridors. Potential concerns related to the above will be addressed by assessing the degree of disturbance from noise & emissions from aircraft. This research includes gathering socio-economic ...
Principal Investigator:Spencer, Richard Licensed Year(s):
Collect biophysical information for permit applications (water, land use, surface lease)....